Mollificio Partenope s.r.l was born in 1988 and it is headquarters in Pomigliano d'Arco (NA).
The site has a total area 4500 square meters, of which 2000 square meters are indoors.
The production of all activities related to the design, construction and sale of all types of springs, elastic components and metal parts.
Mollificio Partenope s.r.l. work on samples or drawings provided by customers supporting them in the development of the ideal product for their application. We design components and assemble using efficient IT tools that allow the correct dimensioning of the parts and to control the connection. We also carry out various surface treatments such as heat treatments, shot peening and painting.
Customer satisfaction is constantly sought after therefore, considerable attention is given in the quality control carried out with advanced machinery both for the specific control of the springs and more generally, for dimensional control of any type of article. Even the logistics plays a key role in corporate strategy, in fact, the overall area of the warehouse recently expanded and is divided into two areas: one dedicated to the receiving and management of raw materials purchased. The other area reserved for the packaging, storage and shipment of the finished product.
The implemented applications affecting various industrial sectors, in particular:
• Furniture
• Aeronautical
• Electronical
• Mechanical
• Automotive
• Lighting Engineering
• Naval
Mollificio Partenope s.r.l. is specialized in the production of:
• compression springs,
• tension spring,
• torsion springs,
• Special shaped wires,
• rings,
• enamelled copper coils,
• special assembly,
• various small metal types
The high production capacity of the company is due to the combination of the latest equipment along with the professional staff. The team utilize technologically advanced machinery that allows the production of various types of springs. The continuous technological renewal policy enables us to use more than 70% of Numerical Control Machines.
Checks are performed to verify compliance with the requirements before the finished product is released and certified. Mollificio Partenope s.r.l. uses specific instruments manufactured by leading companies in the industry to carry out analytical verification of the characteristics according to the sampling plan defined, to ensure correct results. In all cases that we make a constant visual control that is carried out to detect the presence of any defects and to verify the integrity of the product. Finally, failure analysis is performed on components that can fail during operation.